On this page, over time, I wish to share a more esoteric view of the relationship between ourselves and the horses. I too have my own journey in which I will fall over, make mistakes, not be aware or centred when I should be...and I will have incredible moments, and amazing experiences of a revelatory nature I may not even be able to articulate! So the stories on this page are not in an effort to teach, but in an effort to share what I know is a truth for me...it is up to you to ascertain whether it is truth for you. I do hope though that some of these stories really may be able to help you in some way, and for readings and teachings of an esoteric nature you may be interested to visit  www.universalmedicine.com.au This is not a 'horsey' site but is for those seeking esoteric knowledge and the energetic truth. It is all your choice!

Emotions and authenticity ...is the emotional us the authentic us??

Emotions....horses are often the catalyst in bring up strong emotions in people. I use the word catalyst, as to say the horse is capable of bringing emotion up in us sort of implies the horse is somehow to blame, when they are not. We choose to be emotional.

There seems to be a lot of little schools, or places popping up the world-over that are operating under the umbrella of 'horse facilitated therapy', or 'equine facilitated learning' etc There are a few wonderful places and many very shoddy ones; those in for the quick buck, and those who believe they are really doing good...

One of the more common things that seems to be cropping up is the use of the word 'authentic'. There is lots of talk about being authentic when around the horse, letting the horse see the authentic you and etc etc
Horses are undeniably able to immediately see through our veneer...to see through to our core. It doesn't  matter what sort of 'face' we may put on when approaching the horses, they will immediately know what is true. What they do not really connect to is separation in a person (ie the person who is not truly who they really are)...they may, however, connect to the carrot that person holds...and that happens a lot! lol!

It is said the horse will not approach someone who is not being 'authentic' (for those horses being used in therapeutic situations) or may respond in some way to show that the person is not behaving authentically; and people are thus encouraged to show their 'true emotions'.
However...and here is where you could say it gets tricky...what if, when you are experiencing emotion, you are not actually authentic anyway???
I feel that in the case where someone has actually allowed themselves to become 'emotional' (in front of the horse) the horse, when moving to the person the horse is not actually responding to the emotion as the authentic you, but is actually responding to the letting go or acknowledgment of the emotion. And it is good luck if the person doesn't indulge in that emotion rather than being helped by the person that is supposed to be guiding you to remain re-connected with yourself. What the horse seeks is not ever the emotion a person is in but the core of the person themselves...the true you, the you that is still, harmonious, light....

It would seem to be more luck than design that a person could be directed into an enclosed space with the horse and truly be themselves, because so few practitioners/therapists are  able to define or explain who the true you is, many may not even be aware of the difference between emotion and feeling...they are stuck on the emotional aspect. Emotions themselves are the root cause of all our ills. The minute we are emotional we are NOT ourselves, we are not who we truly are. So how can we then be authentic?
So, in the way that people are normally directed to 'show their true emotions' they are actually in fact inadvertantly being told to NOT be themselves, to NOT be authentic.

The authentic you, is the you at a soul level. The soul does not experience emotions as we do in the normal human way of life. In order to know who we truly are we need to re-connect to ourselves, only in being re-connected are we truly being authentic. We don't even need a horse to help us with that, although they can to a point. The gentle breath is a way of re-connecting you, to you (free audio download explaining 'how to' available from www.universalmedicine.com.au). Once in gentle breath you will feel what it is that brings up the emotion and you have a chance to explore that in truth...to heal it....you will not be overwhelmed in it or by it (emotion) and you will learn how not to indulge in it.

So, if you are truly seeking to find the authentic you, ...just try re-connecting you, to you...and then you will truly feel what authentic is, and what it is not.


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